Tracer wire system
Precise georeferencing including horizontal and vertical axes

PRECISION - Tracer wire
PLYVAL—tracer wire
The PLYVAL concept was developed to make it easier to pinpoint and identify buried networks.
Precision — Exact horizontal and vertical position of networks, on all axes (x, y, z)
- Mapping (topographic and cartographic surveys)
- As-built plans
- Geographic information system (GIS)
- Georeferencing with GPS interface
Return on investment
- Inexpensive compared with the entire network, installed in linear metres
- No need to excavate to look for networks
- Prevents work interruptions, lost time and money $$$
Safety and protection
- For the public and site crews
- Prevents network breakage and ensures service continuity
- Protects the environment, and natural and technology resources
- Fast and easy to install thanks to the flat tracer wire
- Adaptable to all types of conduits (PE, PVC, cast-iron, etc.)
- Lifespan equivalent to the network
Detection and location
- Works with all standard electromagnetic signal detection devices
PLYVAL is available in various colours based on type of network to be protected
Networks that can be protected with TechnoConsor's technology
- Tracer wire
Stainless steel wire in a rectangular sheath for optimal stability, positioned on the upper surface of the infrastructure. Colour-coded to the network.- Colour complies with the network’s code.
- Spool
- 100 linear metres
- 500 linear metres
- Injection terminal for detection
Can be positioned on the sidewalk or road close to all buried networks. - Injection terminal for connection
Positioned close to meters, at the base of or inside housings. - Injection box for gas and water housings
Positioned inside gas and water housings. - Connection box
Used to inject the electromagnetic signal directly into the wire. - Straight or T-connectors
Used to connect tracer wires end to end or branched, and to ensure electromagnetic signal continuity. - Fasteners
Tie-wraps or special adhesive tape
- 1st prize for innovation: Paris EXPOGAZ show (09-2013), Safety and Prevention category
- 1st prize for innovation: Local Mayors and Communities Exhibition (11/2013): Structures, Public Works, Road Works category
- Voted construction industry product of 2014: 70,000 companies voted and gave opinions on the products exhibited. PLYVAL was voted favoured product of construction professionals for 2014

P to the power of 3 — PLY3
- Rigorous testing
- Reliable and proven
- Industry-recognized
PLYAGE, PLYFORT and PLYVAL: our award-winning trio of products creates the optimal synergy for protecting, identifying and locating your underground networks. The Perfect combination!
TechnoConsor: technological solutions for your networks

- Minimum initial installation cost
- Inexpensive compared to the entire network
- Saves time and $$$ — no need to excavate to locate networks
- Greater safety for site crews and the public
- Protects natural and technology resources
- Long life expectancy compared with other methods
- Compatible with detectors that use electromagnetic frequencies
The PLY3 trio designed for SYNERGY!